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The front of the case is a plexiglass panel, which I plan on replacing/painting. For the 'eye' I'm going to drill a hole in the side for the LED, then Epoxy the dome on. Pix in the next build log!!

Building the 'eye'

This is the project log for the 'eye' assembly

First, I hooked up the LED to USB, because it'll eventually be on a raspberry pi.

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then I needed the lens, so I looked for various round objects, and finally settled on half a christmas light globe. That was then colored in with sharpie, masked on the inside to prevent light from coming though other than the center. See some of the photos on the main build page. The next step will be an enclosure, which I will build as soon as I get the charger for my drill. Coin master hack app download free. completely broke at the moment, so this will be a very low budget build. It'll be about a week before I can afford the charger, so see y'all then!